Wrestling with Mystery

Coursera Design

Assignments for Coursera's "Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society" and a selection of assignments for General Assembly's "User Experience Design"

copyright © Alicia Fowler 2016



Assignment 3.1 - Exploration (P)


1. Post one sentence problem statement of the gap and a list of the 6-12 primary user needs
2. Post one decomposition of the design problem used to guide the exploration
3. Submit ten labeled concept sketches with descriptive titles


I'm solving this gap: a service that helps users travel like locals while on vacation.

I identified the following primary and latent user needs in Week 2 (latent needs are italicized):​

  1. The service is easy to use
  2. The service helps me locate the places to visit 
  3. The service makes me sound like a local
  4. The service makes me look like a local
  5. The service uses “reputable” information
  6. The service allows for open exchange between users
  7. (Latent sub-need: The service has a community that helps people to get know others)
  8. The service can be accessed in multiple ways
  9. The service is fun to use
  10. The service helps users plan a vacation
  11. (Latent sub-need: The service helps make decisions about which places to visit based on preferences)


