Wrestling with Mystery

Coursera Design

Assignments for Coursera's "Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society" and a selection of assignments for General Assembly's "User Experience Design"

copyright © Alicia Fowler 2016



Assignment 1.4 - Design for you (P)

​This assignment is:

1. A one sentence statement of your gap.
2. Your visual expression of the design.
3. A photograph of your prototype."

My gap is: A social travel guide that helps me travel like a local while on vacation by tapping to local social media reviews. This is also listed on My Gap page.

​Below is my sketch to develop an app that solves this problem, as well as a prototype of the app itself. (Click on the photos to see the full size.) 

Image sources can be found here:​ Duke's, Sheekey's, Barbour.

​Sketch of my app with notations.

App prototype