Wrestling with Mystery

Coursera Design

Assignments for Coursera's "Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society" and a selection of assignments for General Assembly's "User Experience Design"

copyright © Alicia Fowler 2016



Assignment 5.0 - Poll

Will you help me decide which Prototype to pursue?

1. GAP

In what way might I provide a a service that helps users travel like locals while on vacation?


  1. The service is easy to use
  2. The service helps me locate the places to visit 
  3. (!) The service makes me sound like a local
  4. (!) The service makes me look like a local
  5. The service uses “reputable” information
  6. The service allows for open exchange between users
  7. The service can be accessed in multiple ways
  8. The service is fun to use
  9. The service helps users plan a vacation


This is Prototype A that shows the mobile dashboard of a travel service that helps you travel like a local. With this prototype, you can browse places that are popular with the locals or get recommendations.​ 

This is Prototype B that shows the mobile site or app of a travel service that helps you travel like a local. With this prototype, you can select itineraries planned by locals to see a city through their eyes.​ 


If you like prototype A, would you please let me know how likely you are to use it?

​If you like Prototype B,  would you please let me know how likely you are to use it?

If you have any comments on the design or functionality, please add any suggestions here: 

Alicia Fowler